About project


The ‘Developing skills for introducing circular business models and digital technologies in the olive oil sector’ Project outlines the framework for planning activities and tracking progress. It aligns with the Grant Agreement set by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, covering deliverables, budget, and work structure. The project brings together a consortium of leading organizations from Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, and Croatia.
The agricultural sector consumes 2% of global energy demand and accounts for 38% of land use, significantly contributing to GHG emissions. Reforming agricultural practices can achieve 21-40% of emission reduction targets by 2030. Olive oil is a crucial dietary product, with the EU leading global production at 70%. The project targets the olive oil sector in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Croatia, where olive groves cover nearly 5 million hectares.

The ‘Developing skills for introducing circular business models and digital technologies in the olive oil sector’ Project outlines the framework for planning activities and tracking progress. It aligns with the Grant Agreement set by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, covering deliverables, budget, and work structure. The project brings together a consortium of leading organizations from Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, and Croatia.
The agricultural sector consumes 2% of global energy demand and accounts for 38% of land use, significantly contributing to GHG emissions. Reforming agricultural practices can achieve 21-40% of emission reduction targets by 2030. Olive oil is a crucial dietary product, with the EU leading global production at 70%. The project targets the olive oil sector in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Croatia, where olive groves cover nearly 5 million hectares.
The CIRCOLIVE project aims to support the EU transition to a circular economy (CE) by enhancing circular business skills within the olive oil sector, promoting waste and by-product valorization throughout the value chain. Specific objectives include:
- Boosting VET Adaptation: Developing transnational curricula to meet emerging circular business skills needs, aiding the VET system in supporting the CE transition of the olive sector.
- Building Skills: Equipping small operators with skills in circular business models and deep tech domains within the agrifood sector, fostering entrepreneurial attitudes and innovation across the olive oil value chain.
- Facilitating Knowledge Flow: Promoting collaboration between higher education, vocational training, research, public, and business sectors in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and Croatia to develop holistic circular business models for olive waste and by-product valorization.
Training courses and curricula will be designed around four main blocks, integrated to provide comprehensive skill development:
- Green Competences: Emphasizing circular economy concepts and innovative olive waste and by-product valorization.
- Digital Competences: Focusing on digital skills and the implementation of digital technologies for circular waste management in the olive sector.
- Entrepreneurship: Encouraging curiosity, proactive spirit, opportunity spotting, creativity, ethical thinking, and financial literacy in line with the EntreComp framework.
- Transversal Competences: Enhancing personal development, including teamwork, leadership, and innovation management.
This Project Management Plan, prepared in the project’s first month, will be revised and updated as necessary and delivered to the European Commission.
The project brings together a diverse consortium of 9 partners from 5 European countries, each contributing their unique expertise:
Lead Partner/Coordinator:
– Vakakis and Associates S.A. (Greece) – http://vakakis.gr/
– Agricultural University of Athen (Greece) – https://www2.aua.gr/en
– Associaçăo Check-IN – Cooperaçăo e Desenvolvimento (Portugal) – https://checkin.org.pt/en/home-english/
– Agrifood Clust-ER (Italy) – https://agrifood.clust-er.it/en/
– Training and Consultancy Centre of the Chamber of Commerce (Italy) – https://www.ifoa.it/en/
– Lleida Chamber of Commerce (Spain) – https://cambralleida.org/
– Fundacio Eurecat (Spain) – https://eurecat.org/
– Institute of Agriculture and Tourism (Croatia) – http://www.iptpo.hr/
– University of Bologna(Italy) – https://www.unibo.it/en/homepage
© CIRCOLIVE is co-funded by the EU
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.